I love working to stylised pictures and this was no exception. The striking images inspired an aggressive, dynamic track that swells up and down, builds to explosions but that also had clear discernible sections.

I chose strong synth sounds to accentuate the power of the car, whilst utilising contemporary instrumentation. I hoped to pair these with the cutting edge technology on display.

The percussion is an integral element within the track, as it ties together the often wandering synth-lines, and helps pin everything down to help create momentum.

Overall, I would say the track is an exercise in keeping dynamic motion, whilst still adhering to stops and starts.

Client : Audi S1

Agency : Bartle Bogle Hegarty London

Producer : Matthew Towell

Creative Director : Nick Allsop

Director : Scott Lyon

Music Composition : Jack Matthias

Sound Designer : Jack Matthias, Sam Ashwell